Ice Cube Keeper Engineering Challenge

Ice Cube Keeper Engineering Challenge

Ask: Would adding snow to my ice cube keeper probably keep it colder?

Next, we imagined what our ice cube keeper would look like, planned, and created it.

I predict that my ice cube will stay frozen 6 hours.

My table:

Time: Measurement: Observations:
9:25 2 cm. tall

4 cm. wide

It is like an oval.
10:10 4 cm.  
11:30 4 cm. It is wet now.
12:05 4 cm. It has something white in it.
1:10 4 cm. The snow melted.



4 cm.


4 cm. but skinny

Just water around it now.

Almost melted.

I might try this to keep my ice cube from melting as soon as it did. My reflections: The snow helped the ice keep cold because when you put something over it, it becomes cold in the thing that you put on the ice. Tape helped the cold keep inside the box. The box that you put on the ice is very small, so it only goes to the ice not somewhere else. Holes make heat come inside the box and let the cold air out. Water made the ice melt fast. Putting more foam and more tape so that no heat comes in the box were strategies that worked in a lot of the ice cube keepers. I could improve my keeper by getting a bigger tub to put more snow in it. I could make the foam lighter so that it does not absorb a lot of light.

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