The Monkey Bar

***The Monkey Bar 

Our peacemaking play for our chapel

(Chairs moved to make principal bench)

Act One:

Narrator:  One day there are two kids named Steven and Bob.  They got into a fight on the playground.  Steven climbs up the one turn monkeybar.

Bob:  Let me on!

Steven:  Well, it’s a one turn monkeybar.

Bob:  You’re gonna PAY!!!!!!!!

Narrator:  Then Bob stirred with anger and pushed Steven off.

Steven:  AAAAaaaahhhh!  Thump!

Bob:  NA NA NA NA BO BO!  I get a turn!

Narrator:  This starts the big fight, which is Act Two.


Act Two:  The Big Fight

Narrator:  Steven gets up and jumps up on the monkeybar.  Meanwhile, Bob is making his way across.

Steven:  You will pay for what you did!

Narrator:  Steven goes so fast across the monkeybar that he looks like a real monkey.

Bob:  AAAAAaaaahhhh!  Help!

Narrator:  Steven jumps down and starts teasing Bob!

Steven:  NA NA NA BO BO, I kicked you off!

Narrator:  Bob starts tackling Steven.

Bob:  You’re so weak!

Steven:  I’m not weak, and I’ll show it!

Narrator:  Steven pushes Bob off with all his might.

Bob:  That was only a little bit of my strength!

Narrator:  Bob jumps on Steven and starts punching him.  And this starts Act Three.



Act Three:  The Peacemaking Consequence

Narrator:  While the two boys were still fighting, out came the principal.


Kids:  Oh, boy!

Narrator:  Both boys walked to the office.  They sat down on the two chairs in front of Principal Grumpy.

Principal:  This verse will help you as you go through detention.  

I Peter 5:5  “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

Boys:  DETENTION!  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Narrator:  After detention, the boys thought of using the S.T.A.Y. plan.

Steven:  Let’s say to the principal about the S.T.A.Y. plan that we’ll use.

Narrator:  They went to apologize to the principal.

Kids:  Mr. Grumpy, we will use the S.T.A.Y. plan.  It is to stop, think, act, and yea!

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